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Thursday, February 24, 2005

Air for your mobile phone

Want to charge your mobile phone, but there's no power point in sight? Don't worry. PTI reports that we may soon be able to charge our mobile phones using wind energy. The report says:
Students at the Department of Industrial Design at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi have attached a turbine with a mobile phone that helps charge it even when the user is travelling, Head of the Department Professor Lalit Kumar Das told PTI.

"The electricity generated by the turbine when moved by wind energy could charge a cellphone in an emergency. It generates electricity to the tune of 3 to 4 watts which is sufficient to charge a mobile phone," he said.

The specially designed turbine, which costs about Rs 200 [apprx. US$ 4.5] to be developed inside a laboratory, is so small that it could be easily kept in a pocket, he said.

The report does state that the pocket turbine is "best suited for coastal areas where the wind flows almost continuously". So if it's not a breezy day, you might just have to blow really hard, and really long.
amit varma, 12:57 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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