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Thursday, February 17, 2005

Don't kiss him! He's a Marxist

JK of Varnam points to a newsletter that quite made my day. A gentleman named Arvind Kumar, who brings out something called "Your regular dose of pseudosecularism", discusses a Tribune report about the Jawaharlal Nehru University evicting a Nescafe outlet from their campus because it doesn't want anything to do with MNCs. Arvind writes:
Marxist bastion Jawaharlal Nehru University has banned the Nescafe outlet from its campus because Nestle is a multinational.

The students and faculty of JNU are already known to be hostile towards anything related to Indian traditions. Combined with their hatred for multinationals, this leaves them with no acceptable brand of toothpaste or toothpowder as all brands are either related to multinationals or have some connection to Indian tradition. So, when you come across a JNU student who has not brushed his or her teeth, remember that it is all for the sake of the proletariat.

Also, watch out for JNU students smashing the computers on their university as the computers are made by multinationals.

Well, now we know how they'll defeat the bourgeoisie – with bad breath.
amit varma, 1:05 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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