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Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Politics and religion

The gentleman who filled me in on Lalu Prasad Yadav's aversion towards development a couple of posts ago also informed me that he had enjoyed dinner a few days back with a young politician who is on the far right of the political spectrum, and who would even be described by some as a Hindu radical. "So what kind of a guy is he?" I asked. The gentleman replied:
Oh, he is a very reasonable fellow, a wonderful chap, not at all like what his public image is. And he isn't religious at all. See, he doesn't really believe all those things that he talks about in his speeches. He just talks like that because at the moment, that is what gets him votes, that is his constituency.

Politicians have no religion.

I nodded thoughtfully. No religion, no ideology, no beliefs. Just whatever they need to get to power. So why should that surprise me?
amit varma, 7:12 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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