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Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Jai Balram

Anyone who thinks Bollywood films are too removed from reality must read this story. Sify reports on a wedding in which the bridegroom decides at the last moment not to go ahead with it. The report says:
The bridegroom argued that the bride, named Suggi, was not the same girl who had been shown to him when the marriage was arranged.

As the groom tried to escape, he was caught. He received many blows. However, he fought valiantly and managed to flee from the place.


While the police went in hot pursuit of the boy, the bride announced that anyone willing to marry her was free to come forward and sit on the ‘vedi’.

All of a sudden Balram, son of Surendra, resident of Maklakher, announced that he was willing to marry the girl.

Now, this is drama. The aim of my life now is to make my way to Maklakher and invite myself to dinner with Balram, son of Surendra, and Suggi. Coming?
amit varma, 2:26 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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