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Thursday, February 17, 2005

Defacato interruptus

I'm at home today, and all alone. That is a dangerous thing. Why so, you ask? Well, it's because of what I call "Murphy's Toilet Law" (please don't tell Murphy I'm misusing his name like this). This is how it plays out:

You will be alone at home. For many hours you will do what you do, and no one will ring the doorbell. Then you will feel the need to go and defecate. You will enter the toilet, and as soon as you have finished half of what you need to do, the doorbell will ring. You will hurriedly clean up, put on some clothes, and rush to the door. You will get rid of the visitor. And you will go back to work.

You will not feel like going to the loo for the rest of the day, but a vaguely solid sense of intestinal dissatisfaction will linger.

So is that better, or worse, than a bad lens day?
amit varma, 2:12 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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