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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Pot and kettle

Pooja Bhatt is upset, reports Mid Day, because the title of a film she was planning has allegedly been stolen by a producer named Vinod Mukhi. And what's the film called? Cabaret.

The report quotes Bhatt as saying:
My production company (Fish Eye Network) registered the film under four names with two spellings — Cabaret, Kabaret, Cabaret — The Dance of Love and Kabaret — The Dance of Love. I have the necessary documents to prove that I am the owner of the title.
She also accuses the film industry of having "a herd mentality and no originality".

And no, the reporter did not ask her if she had seen this particular film directed by Bob Fosse and starring Liza Minnelli.
amit varma, 10:35 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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