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Monday, July 11, 2005

Narya gets ready to rock

Narayan Rane, a friend informed me recently, was a strongman in the Konkan region before he became a politician. He was apparently called Narya, and his gang inspired terror across the region. It was natural, then, that he became one of Bal Thackeray's key men when he joined the Shiv Sena. He brought muscle with him.

And now that he is trying to split the party, he is preparing to flex his muscle again. Mid Day reports:
Narayan Rane has brought in a veritable army for his first encounter with loyal Shiv Sena legislators since he was sacked by Bal Thackeray a week ago. The monsoon session of the state legislature begins today, and Vidhan Bhavan is likely to resemble a battleground.

Rane’s supporters, from his bastion, Sindhudurg district, will pour in to the city in a whopping 20 buses and 150 Tata Sumos today. Scores more will arrive by train and in state transport buses.


The Sena too is preparing for war. All its 221 shakhas (ward-level units) have been ordered to provide as many people as possible for a show of strength at Vidhan Bhavan.
Such fun. I wish someone would organise a live webcast.
amit varma, 12:02 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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