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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Marriage is a cruel bitch?

Quote of the day:
In my opinion, marriage of dogs is cruelty on animals.
So says Naresh Kadyan, chairman of a group called People for Animals. The context:
A Hindu wedding ceremony of 18 dogs has been called off in India after hardline religious groups and animal rights activists said it was a mockery of the religion and cruel to the canines, a newspaper reported on Sunday.

The marriage of nine dogs to nine bitches to promote canine culture was expected to take place on Sunday in the northwestern town of Jaipur, the Times of India reported.
I'm a huge fan of canine culture, and I have no issues with mocking religion. But could the gentlemen who organised this think of nothing better? As far as doggies are concerned, it's a dog's life anyway. Why throw marriage into the mix?
amit varma, 2:25 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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