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Monday, December 18, 2006

Hey, whatever happened to Momma Teresa?

I always thought winning a beauty pagaent was all about admiring Mother Teresa and saving humanity. (And yes, the swimsuit round as well.) Well, old-fashioned me. Check this out:
Miss USA Tara Conner is on the verge of losing her crown after testing positive for cocaine, lustily kissing Miss Teen USA in public and sneaking men into their Trump Place apartment, sources tell the Daily News.
I love the way the article ends:
Ironically, when she [Connor] was competing for the title, she complained that celebrities like Britney Spears and Paris Hilton were bad role models, TMZ.com reported.

"I think that they're getting a little bit too much edgy. I think that they are a little bit too risque," Conner said. "I think they need to tone it down a little bit."
Such irony indeed. Almost like the CPI(M) saying, "We care for the poor people. Seize their land instantly!" Heh.

(Link via email from reader Hari Avadhanam.)
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