India Uncut

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Monday, December 11, 2006

But where are the pundits?

Delhi Times informs us that there will be almost 32,000 weddings on December 13 this year. This, of course, is because everybody searches for auspicious days to get married on, and December 13 happens to be one of those days this year. Even those chappies who don't believe in auspicious days think, "Why take a chance?" Or they do it to please their parents, who didn't take a chance either.

Such a monstrous thought, 32,000 weddings in one day. That's 32,000 catering assignments, 32,000 large sales of flowers, 32,000 pandal decorations to be done, and, the lords help us, 32,000 awkwardly creaking beds at night. I suspect India Uncut's traffic might just go up a bit, if you remember what I mentioned here and here. Long live suhaag raats!

(Link via email from Akshay Mahajan.)
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