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Thursday, October 05, 2006

Thousands of men want to be Mr Shilpa Shetty

There are women millions of men lust for, and understandably so. But where does marriage come into this? BBC reports:
When Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty set up an e-mail address especially for her fans, she did not expect the thousands of marriage proposals she received.

"The response has been overwhelming. I am very touched and extremely moved by it," she told the BBC News website, "but I want to tell all the people out there that my e-mail address is not a marital portal."
Well, as everybody reads my blog (heh), now they know. But my question is, why did they propose marriage to her? What do they fantasize about, going around a mandap with her, and putting sindoor on her forehead? I tell you.

On the other hand, from my childhood I've noticed that many Indian men think of marriage almost in the same breath as sex. And when those verny boys give those pretty girls notes that say "I want to make friendship with you," what most of them really mean is, "I want to go out on a date with you, propose to you, marry you and then take your clothes off and, you know..." I don't know if this is because this is a repressed country or a traditional society or what.

And interestingly, the Google search that brings me the most visitors is for "suhaag raat". The suhaag raat post of mine that features in the first page of results (as of now!) actually links to my buddy Jai, and he told me not long ago that a significant number of his hits come from that post. All of that, I suspect, says something -- and Shilpa Shetty now knows what that is.
amit varma, 9:48 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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