India Uncut

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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

"Lolita is a novel by Vladimir Nabokov"

No, no, I'm not getting into stating the obvious now, but am simply amused by the censorship practices of MSN Spaces. Xeni Jardin writes in Boing Boing that MSN Spaces has a filter that "censors certain words you might try to include in a blog title or url." The headline of this post was one such title found to be objectionable: I can only presume that the problem word was 'Lolita' and not 'novel', which has enough problems anyway. Actually, wouldn't immense fun come if the problem word was 'is'?

Some titles that were stopped: "Corporate Whore Chronicles," "Pornography and the Law," and "Anal Health for People who Think Buttsex is Awesome."

Some titles that got through: "Corporate Prostitute Chronicles," "Butt Sex is Awesome" and "Dick, Balls, Boobies, Goddammit."

Not a very efficient censor, and thank FSM for that.

(Link via email from reader Vivek Puthezath.)
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