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Saturday, December 09, 2006

Aryan Vaid vs Ravi Kishen

It's ironic -- some would say befitting -- that shortly after I wrote my post about Bigg Boss, my TV conked off. Since then, I've been too lazy to find out what the service centre number is, and have thus endured a few days of TV-less experience. This also means that I've missed all the fun on Big Boss, where first Rakhi Sawant got voted off, and then Aryan Vaid.

And clearly I've missed a lot. Vaid is interviewed in today's Mumbai Mirror complaining about Ravi Kishen, and explaining the history they share:
Everyone is aware that Ravi was dating his co-star from Bhojpuri films. I had no clue about it when she decided to have a relationship with me. In fact, she got so close to me that we had a puja in my house to fob off all the evil influences that came in our way. Ravi tried to instigate her against me by saying he had seen me picking up girls from a club in Dubai. He forgot to mention he also tried to do the same. I succeeded, he failed.
I suspect the old sterotype of male models and actors being both dumb and sleazy might just be understating the case. Such fun!
amit varma, 3:36 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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