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Saturday, October 14, 2006

A private part

Dina Mehta writes in regarding this post:
... Couldn't help laughing and remembering a really good friend back in college, who, one day, in all innocence, asked us in 'hush-hush' whispers: "Why do people call such a private part public?"
Well, had that friend been male, I suspect he would have wanted to give the UPSC exams. You know what I mean...

Update (October 15): Arzan Sam Wadia writes in:
Publix is a supermarket here in the US. I've seen a lot of them in Florida.

Once we were going somewhere in Miami, and my friend's father-in-law, visiting from Bombay, looks at this store in a mall, rubs his eyes, and says, in a Parsi-Gujarati accent:

"Aye Maneck, Madarchod Dukaan nu naam jo, ......PUBIX...benchod PUBIX!"
Ecstacy floods through my veins. But where's the frigging blood?
amit varma, 7:21 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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