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Saturday, October 14, 2006

Mama, I got them laptop blues again

Yes, I know I promised to blog with a vengance yesterday, but shit happens, and as Murphy might well have said, when shit happens, loosies happen. My desktop computer at home, which has been the partner's work computer for a year as I only use it on emergencies, conked out earlier this week, and it seems it is beyond repair. And yesterday my laptop battery suddenly stopped charging. (The machine's an HP nx6120.) A quick diagnosis revealed that it was not the fault of the AC Adapter or the electricity board or the battery itself, but some internal problem with the machine. Blogging, thus, ceased, as the Varma household found itself without a functioning computer.

The laptop belongs to office anyway, and as I soon join the ranks of the fulltime unemployed, I was planning to buy my own laptop. But the unexpected failing of the machine inconvenienced me, and stopped my vengeful blogging. Also, it had to be sent for repair, and I had to get rid of all my personal data from it today. On a borrowed battery -- the laptop works on it, but doesn't charge it -- I transferred all my files to my external hard drive, and then started deleting them. Slowly, in front of my eyes, the "My Documents" folder emptied. I felt inexplicably sad. It was no longer "My Documents." My pictures, my music, my word docs, my film clips, all gone from that familiar screen. (They wait impersonally on that external hard drive, like Egyptian mummies waiting for life.) Immense sadness floated, like confetti at a funeral.

Anyway, I need to buy both a laptop and a desktop soon. Would my readers, who were so kind in helping me choose a mobile phone, wish to make a laptop recommendation? I'm torn between HP and Lenovo, and don't have a budget of more than INR 55k-types.

Regular blogging resumes now, though on a desktop temporarily set up for me at work, so that restricts my blogging hours somewhat. Still I soldier on. Only for you!
amit varma, 3:38 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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