India Uncut

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Kramnik wins

A worthy man becomes the first undisputed World Chess Champion since Garry Kasparov split the chess world in 1993. Vladimir Kramnik is unquestionably a better player than Veselin Topalov, and I hope we get to see him take on Viswanathan Anand in a World Championship match sometime soon. I'm pretty sure that won't see any of the drama that this match saw (and that I mentioned here and here.)

Not that the drama's over, mind you. Fun never ceases.

And did you know that Susan Polgar has a blog? Tres cool.

Update: Rishi Iyengar writes in to point me to this excellent piece in Scientific American on The Expert Mind.
amit varma, 2:39 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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