India Uncut

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Monday, September 04, 2006

Dildo is my birthright...

... and I shall have it.

Well, actually, no, I'm not into sex toys, though I can't promise what the future may, um, hold. But I am a fan of freedom, and I find it bizarre that the state should want to interfere if consenting adults sell sex toys to other consenting adults. This mai-baap business goes way too far sometimes.

PS. Actually, it's not just sex toys, it's everything. If two adult parties wish to make a trade that does not infringe on anyone's rights, no one should have the right to interfere. That's exactly -- and only -- what free markets mean. And yet, there is no country in the world with completely free markets. (No, the US does not qualify, it has enough monstrous tariffs and subsidies.)

I view trampling on economic freedom as morally wrong for two reasons: one, it infringes upon the freedom of all the buyers and sellers who are unable to trade as they wish; two, it hinders the growth and distribution of wealth that free markets enable, causing, in poorer countries, a perpetuation of poverty and the loss of life.

It's not just about dildos.

Update: Ken Falco wonders why I didn't mention Fleshlights. (NSFW and somewhat ew.) It's because I didn't know about them, dude. I suppose I've had a protected childhood. And, um, adulthood!
amit varma, 4:23 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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