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Monday, August 14, 2006

How the Indian army can "frustrate the ISI"

"By practicing safe sex."

Apparently, the ISI has been planning "to spread HIV among personnel of the Indian army and para-military forces." If this report is true, what could be the ISI's planned modus operandi? Send HIV-positive ladies to tempt armymen into indiscretion? Infect the blood received by armymen in blood transfusions? The scale at which they would have to do it is staggering, and implementation would be fraught with risk of discovery.

On the other hand, they could just leak the news of such a plan and screw the army that way. "Bloody condom again," I can imagine an armyman cribbing. "How I hate the ISI."
amit varma, 8:41 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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