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Sunday, August 13, 2006

Give us freedom, not flags

The Times of India reports:
I-Day is just two days away. There will be thousands of fluttering flags all over India — on masts, cars, houses, in the hands of joyous children... And yet, the real flags used on this historic occasion in 1947 are missing. Three of them, in fact. Shocking, but true.
Ok, so why is that shocking? Flags are mere symbols, just pieces of cloth. What is far more shocking is the absence of so many kinds of social and economic freedom in India, 59 years after political independence. Now, that worries me.

(Do read these two old posts by pals of mine expounding on that subject: "Waiting for the free-market Mahatma" and "Freedom vs Sovereignty.")
amit varma, 9:22 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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