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Saturday, August 12, 2006

The kindness of strangers

Reuters reports:
A Japanese man was arrested this week after making 37,760 silent calls to directory inquiries because he wanted to listen to the "kind" voices of female telephone operators. [...] "When I made a complaint call once, the operator dealt with it very kindly, so I wanted to hear these women's voices," the paper quoted him as telling police in Hiroshima, western Japan.
The report goes on to say that "Police believe the calls, made between March and July this year, caused psychological distress to more than 100 telephone operators." Yeah, I can just imagine what happens when one of them goes home and her husband wants dinner.
Husband: Darling, come, let's have dinner.
Operator: No, I'll have dinner. You stay hungry, no dinner for you.
Husband: [Baffled] Hey. What's up with you, why're you behaving like this? You're normally such a kind person.
Operator: Kind, kind, kind. I'm sick of being kind. I will never be kind in my life now. Never ever.
So the next day the husband decides that he needs some kindness in his life, and calls directory enquiry.
amit varma, 1:52 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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