India Uncut

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Saturday, August 12, 2006

Don't bang the maid

Devangshu writes:
... India would be a very different place if a cross-sectional consensus on the desirability of banging the maid had not existed for centuries. Entire sub-castes are composed of little bastards, legitimised over time. These were all created by the tradition of banging the maid.

Indian history would be far less turbulent. So many of the protagonists of all those wonderfully fratricidial succession struggles would not have been conceived. Millions of sex-starved young bachelors would have gone virgins to their respective suhaag raats.
The rest of his story is about a chap he used to know who banged his maid, and was confronted by the maid's "official swain," a barber. Shit happened -- and as you will surely realise after you reach the tale's conclusion, somewhat painfully at that.

(Link via Peter.)
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