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Thursday, June 29, 2006

When it's football time...

A fire starts in a house in Beijing. This happens next:
"When the neighbours shouted 'fire!', I took my little baby and ran out in my nightclothes," the man's wife told the paper.

"My husband paid no attention to the danger, just grabbed the television and put it under his arm.

"After getting out of the house, he then set about finding an electric socket to plug in and continue watching his game."
Hmm, rather odd, this behaviour. What good's a baby?

(Link via email from Nishit Desai.)

Update: Young n informs us about some chappie in China trying to sell "World Cup air." The fellow's gathering air at German stadiums, bringing it to China, and selling it to fans.

I have already purchased some of this air -- it adorns this blog. See it?
amit varma, 6:59 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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