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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

New websites, and so on

Much to my delight, Time Out Mumbai is now online. I've been waiting for a year-and-a-half for this excellent magazine to get online, purely so I could occasionally link to and talk about the fine columns that Girish Shahane writes in it. Sadly, at the moment I am unable to find Girish's columns on the site. But these are early days, and I'm use navigation will improve, search will work better, and they'll put more of their stuff online. Keep an eye on it, if not half a face. (Update: It requires registration. Sigh.)

And in an entirely unwelcome development, Mid Day has changed its website entirely, making it far more user-unfriendly than it was. The internet is an entirely different medium from print (duh!), and I can't see too many people going for this e-paper thingie. Their new layout also makes it much harder for me to find and link to their stories. If links are the currency of the internet, they're throwing money away. Silly move.

And guess what, Rediff also has a new look today. It's plain vanilla now, and while I can only comment on the new look after getting used to it, it certainly does seem more functional, unlike another recent redesign, that of Indian Express, which turned into a better looking but more cluttered and hard-to-navigate site.

If you're reading this post in 2010, by the way, none of the links above will make sense, because all the sites would certainly have changed their look again. Maybe then you can use The Wayback Machine to see what I was talking about! (This link via email from Abhishek.)
amit varma, 3:44 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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