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Monday, June 26, 2006

Vaastu Shastra and websites

Arun Verma writes in to point me to this bizarre story about a book someone has written claiming that Vaastu Shastra helps websites become successful. The author of this book, Smita Narang, is quoted as saying:
Just as the world comprises of the five basic elements, each Web site has five elements and these need to be in balance with one another. Earth is the layout, fire is the color, air is the HTML, space is name of the Web site, and water is the font and graphics.
Damn. And all this while, I've thought it's the content that matters.

Update: Arun informs me there's a website for this book as well. Check it out. Heh.

Update 2: Patrix had written on this subject as well.
amit varma, 11:20 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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