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Thursday, June 29, 2006

China or India?

If you had money to invest, which of these two countries would you choose? Dush Ramachandran says India is a more logical choice, and explains why in his post, "Leaping Tiger, Prancing Dragon." Good stuff, though an equal number of points could be listed in favour of China, and it's a tradeoff in the end.

There are tons of posts on this subject, by and by, on the Indian Economy Blog, and you can check them out via the category page. (It doesn't seem to have bylines, but if you go to an individual post you'll see who wrote it.) I'd once written on the subject here, but Nitin Pai's succinct post on it, "India vs China, (over)simplified," is a favourite.

Update (June 30): Mohit directs me to these interesting pieces on the subject at Knowledge@Wharton: 1, 2, 3.
amit varma, 4:32 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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