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Thursday, May 25, 2006

Sleep, and a new medium

Regular readers would no doubt have noticed that my frequency of posting has gone down a bit recently. Well, I've been rather busy, and rather sleepy. I offered recently to set up audio programming for Cricinfo, where I am a consultant, and have had to learn a new medium, and produce lots of work in it, in very little time. (Examples: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.) As India is playing in the monstrous and entirely unfair timezone of the West Indies, this has involved staying up some nights, while working the days as well.

An example of the toll it takes came on the weekend, when after a busy Saturday (which included a blogmeet), I stayed up all night for the match and then went off to Sophia College for the Mumbai round of the Mahaquizzer. The lack of sleep told on me, and I fell asleep within five minutes of the start. I woke up at the end, and read some of the questions for the first time while the answers were being read out. It was quite embarrassing, though I wouldn't have had a shot at winning anyway.

I can't find the results online, but Vikram Joshi won the Mumbai round with 54 out of 150, while members of a group I belong to that we playfully call the Cartellians won the Delhi and Pune rounds. (Aadisht got 66, Kunal got 42.) Immense joy came for them, but Gaurav and I weren't quite so good in Mumbai. (You can download the questions here.)

Anyway, work continues apace, and my sleep patterns remain disrupted, with much pending work and a mad overload of emails. (Not a new complaint, you will note.) I shall try to blog a bit more regularly, though. Thank you for your patience.
amit varma, 12:20 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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