India Uncut

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Remote seduction?

You know how in your Gmail, sponsored links alternate with your chosen RSS feeds just above the top band? Well, a few readers had sent me mails about this post, and their subject headers contained the words, "Mind Reading." Well, a sponsored ad duly came in my Gmail about "Hypnosis Software," and I clicked on it and reached this page.

Immense desire comes to have lunch with ten people who have paid the fairly substantial sums of money -- by my meager standards -- to buy the "Telepathic Mind Reader," the "Chaos Magick Spell Caster," and the "Self Hypnosis Engineering Studio." There's also something called a "Orgone Condensation Unit," which you can use to "[t]ransform your computer onto a source of orgone/etheric energy for other radionics devices or use it for empowerment of magick operations, visualization sessions, and techniques of remote influence and mind control."

And what will we talk about during lunch? Well, that's not really in my hands, is it? Sigh.
amit varma, 6:28 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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