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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Dr Rajkumar and his somewhat phallic guitar

Ah, the sounds!
Love me or hate me
Kiss me or kill me
Oh darling, please do something to me
Do roo roo roo roo roo roo roo
Do roo roo roo roo roo roo roo
Do roo roo roo roo roo roo roo
Now watch:

I especially love it when the camera shows a close-up of Dr Rajkumar's knees, and then pulls out as he sways seductively. His pumpacious actions with the guitar are also admirable, and are no doubt imitated every day by the millions of fans he surely has.

(Link via email from the catastrophically noble Samit Basu, who had also sent me Dr Rajkumar's previous masterpiece once. Long may he give.)
amit varma, 11:36 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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