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Saturday, May 27, 2006

Imagine you're invisible

.I'm changing the timeline of this post to make it sticky for now. Some good responses have come in. Write, write! (Regular programming follows below.)

AP reports that scientists are on their way to making the kind of invisible cloak that Harry Potter has. Instantly, I start fantasising about what I'd do if I had a cloak like that. Wouldn't we all like one?

So here's a question for those of my readers who have a blog or a website: what would you do if you actually had a foolproof invisible cloak? Caveat: you're not allowed to harm anyone in any way. If you wish, write up a blogpost on the subject and send it to me, and if I find nothing objectionable in it, I shall link it from this post. (Erotic fantasies are allowed, but not if they involve any kind of coercion.)

Responses: Falstaff, Neha, Bombay Addict, Gaurav, Patrix, Arnold, The Antithesist, Space Bar, Megha the Punk, Sony Pony, The Invizible Man (heh), maverick, Gaurav (2), Rohan, Nitin, Ranjit, Anirudh, Lalita, Happy-Go-Lucky, Sriram, Dhananjay. Dhoomketu, Boscoe, Vijayendra, Manish, n, Krithiga, Akshay, Lova, Ashish, Amrit, Chronicus Skepticus, Saket, Raju, Jaggu, Bongo P'o'ndit, BP 2, IndianArchie, The Saint.

Update (May 30): My answer is up. No more updates to this post, I'm afraid.
amit varma, 6:27 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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