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Saturday, May 27, 2006

Naked on a goddess

Rajiv Poddar mails me to direct my attention to the story of Lakpa Tharke Sherpa, a gentleman who climbed Mount Everest and then stood naked on the summit for three minutes. When asked why he did not stay naked longer, he replied, "You see, it was rather chilly."

Sorry, I made that second line up. Anyway, his act has sparked protests because, in the words of a fellow quoted in the report, localites think of Mount Everest as "a Goddess Mother of the Earth." I wonder if the good people who protest thus realise that climbers, who must answer the call of nature, no doubt relieve themselves and defecate on the mountain. They're okay with people shitting on their Goddess, then?

Apparently Sherpa's team-mates took pictures of him in glorious undress, and I don't imagine he would want anyone to see those pictures. I shudder to think how small the wee-wee must become at minus 25 degrees.
amit varma, 2:00 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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