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Friday, April 21, 2006


Reuters reports:
A 76-year-old man claiming to be a doctor went door-to-door in a Florida neighborhood offering free breast exams, and was charged with sexually assaulting two women who accepted the offer, police said on Thursday.

One woman became suspicious after the man asked her to remove all her clothes and began conducting a purported genital exam without donning rubber gloves, investigators said.
The gentleman concerned isn't a doctor, of course, but "a shuttle driver for an auto dealership."

There are many ways to react to this, of course. At first sight, it's outrageously funny, especially when one sees the picture that accompanies the article. It's also funnily outrageous, this neighbourhood perv fooling unsuspecting women like this. But most of all, I think it's sad.

What kind of loneliness and desperation would drive a man to do something so self-evidently stupid, so guaranteed to not satisfy, and so certain to backfire? The story has few details, and I wonder what kind of a man he was in the 76 years before we came to hear of him. I don't think we will ever know, for this is all his humanity is reduced to now. And what will the rest of us be reduced to, I wonder.

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