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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

An English pub on Marine Drive

From the picture below, you'd never guess that this was good old Marine Drive in Mumbai, would you?

This is actually Geoffrey's, the pub at Hotel Marine Plaza on Marine Drive. The picture was taken on the evening of March 18, the first day of the Test between India and England. After the game, many of the English fans rushed to Geoffrey's and chilled out there, watching soccer on TV.

I'd seen signs of this during the game itself. At one point, bored by proceedings, the Barmy Army raised their arms and chanted "Geoffrey's, Geoffrey's, we want Geoffrey's."

(Ok, maybe I made that up.)

And while we're at the ground, below is a view of the lower tier of the press box at the Wankhede Stadium.

It is when you feel nostalgic about press boxes that you know you need to quit cricket reporting. A long break from cricket matches has begun. Such joy.

(Click on pics to enlarge.)
amit varma, 12:28 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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