India Uncut

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Thursday, December 08, 2005

Copyright? What copyright?

Sigh, here we go again. Suyog Gaidhani writes in to point me to a copyright violation that's taken place with one of his pictures. Suyog runs a nifty photoblog called Pixel Dreams, and was rather surprised to find that one of his pictures was used by an advertising agency called Workaholiks in an advertisement for an apartment complex. He called them up to protest, they claimed that they had "picked it up from Google Images," and then they led him around in circles, promising to pay him but never doing so.

Do read Suyog's post on the subject, and offer him your support and any other help you can. It'll be a bummer if people like him now become wary of putting their work online, fearing that it'll get filched. And let me take this opportunity to emphasize, as I have before, that all content on the internet, unless stated otherwise, is copyrighted by default. How long will it take until the world begins to respect that?
amit varma, 2:12 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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