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Thursday, November 24, 2005
The way cheesecake melts
I'm suddenly feeling a little less bad about my, ahem, belly. DirtyTalkingGirl writes:
"Late for the meeting," I inform a friend. "K," comes the response. "Be late to work," I message a colleague. "K," he replies. Everybody knows K.
I wonder if K gets messages from people who just write, "Amit."
Board-flat male bellies, six-packs, washboard abs are all the rage these days, but what does a flat belly tell a woman about a man? In my experience, it says: here’s a man whose play is all workouts, who pays more attention to his own body than to mine, and who might even follow a critical survey of my own little pillow of tummy fat with the advice to "try the ab-cruncher."Immensely meritorious. I discovered this blog via K, by and by, whose name is often dropped by people who send me SMSs.
No, thank you.
A rounded belly speaks of a man of moderation in his appetites, who enjoys work and play in salutary balance and who is not averse to a little self-indulgence either at board or in bed. He’ll let a single malt pool on his tongue and savour the way cheesecake melts from crumbly to creamy in the heat of his mouth. A big man can dally with a woman for hours without ever having to check his watch to see if it's time to hit the gym. He knows what constitutes a satisfying workout.
"Late for the meeting," I inform a friend. "K," comes the response. "Be late to work," I message a colleague. "K," he replies. Everybody knows K.
I wonder if K gets messages from people who just write, "Amit."