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Monday, November 14, 2005

Blogging meat or meeting bloggers?

Last week has been one of meeting many bloggers I hadn't met earlier. I had a happy-hour orange juice and shared fish-and-chips with Rajesh Advani at TGIF on Thursday evening, and met Atanu Dey, my co-blogger at The Indian Economy Blog, for dinner the same night. Yazad Jal was also there with his vastly better half, and delightful meats were consumed, all of the white variety. The Chicken Fry Masala at Cafe Baghdadi rocks, and the Chicken Fry even more so. As Atanu remarked in his characteristic caustic way, "With chicken like this, who needs Kentucky Fried Pigeon?" Quite.

And yesterday there was a bloggers meet at the Nirmal Lifestyles Mall at Mulund that began at 3pm and went on till 11pm. Much fun was had. Ravikiran Rao hosted it, though he refused to pay for anyone but himself. It was essentially a meet of two halves. In the first, Anand, Mandar, Shantanu, Anthony, Surya and a blogless Nikita were the others present, and we just sat around at Cafe Coffee Day and ordered much coffee. In the second half, Surya and Nikita departed, and Gaurav and Sarika joined us. We had dinner at a place called the Grill, where the sizzlers were most unsatisfying, with meat used only to garnish some vegetably things. Chandrashekhar and Sumita enigmatically dropped in once in a while -- not in the meat, but at the meet.

Much was discussed, but only one matter of any importance came up. Sarika remarked that there are two kinds of men in the world: those who had pullable cheeks, and those who were sexy. That is a remarkable insight, though I suspect she missed a third kind: those who have pullable legs. One such Mumbai blogger we all love shifted to Delhi recently, all because a part of that city shares his name. Come back Saket.
amit varma, 11:37 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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