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Monday, October 31, 2005

Harriet Miers and the internet

John Fund writes in the Wall Street Journal:
As President Bush prepares to make a new appointment to the Supreme Court, the lessons of the failed Miers nomination are still being absorbed.

One that deserves study is how a lightning-fast news cycle, a flat-footed defense and the growth of new media such as talk radio and blogs sank Ms. Miers's chances even before the megabuck special-interest groups could unload their first TV ad. Ms. Miers herself has told friends that she was astonished at how the Internet became a conveyor belt for skeptical mainstream media reports on her in addition to helping drive the debate.
Quite. The internet reduces information asymmetry, and empowers consumers. (In the context of politics, that would mean "the people.") And blogs are one of the most useful tools in the mix.
amit varma, 4:49 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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