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Monday, October 31, 2005

The football is boring? Bring on the chicks

The Telegraph reports:
The marketing team at Zee sports, the channel that has bagged the exclusive rights for all major domestic tournaments for the next ten years, has hit upon a novel idea to woo crowds back to India’s near-empty football stadiums, thereby weaning Indians off their staple diet of cricket. If the sight of a group of suitably underdressed women, cheerleading and gyrating wildly at the same time cannot breathe fresh life into the waning interest in Indian football, marketing whizkids at Zee would like to believe nothing else would.
Heh. Read the full report. The girls, it seems, are named the ZeeBras, and the report says, "During the Mohammedan Sporting-Fransa match, a scuffle broke out when the crowd demanded more ZeeBra action."

The only thing that can take people to a football stadium, in my view, is the football. Underdressed women are all too common nowadays.
amit varma, 2:04 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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