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Monday, October 24, 2005

Beating China

The Economic Times reports, in an article headlined "India beats China:"
The People’s Republic of China (PRC) may be better off than India when it comes to economic growth, FDI inflows, exports and the snapping up of exploration and sourcing deals in third countries rich in oil. However, India has finally made it to a list where China doesn’t figure at all.
And what hallowed list is this? The article continues:
Time’s list of the 100 best English-language novels penned since the magazine’s origin in 1923 lists two books by authors of Indian origin and one where India figures in the title.
Well, whatever. Anyway, here's the Time Magazine list, of which I'm ashamed to report that I've read just 17, though I own 34. That's bad in more ways than one.

(Link via Prufrock 2.)
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