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Sunday, October 23, 2005

Of low-cost airlines and Marxists

Many hours have gone by without a post from me, and you need to blame it on low-cost airlines. Why so? Well, there was a quiz in Ahmedabad conducted at MICA for which Gaurav asked me to team up with him. Normally, the cost of going in terms of time and money would have counted for more than the benefit -- the sheer enjoyment of being part of a good quiz. But competition, and the recent entry into the market of low-cost airlines, meant that a one-way ticket between Mumbai and Ahmedabad could be got for as little as Rs 900 (about US$ 20). So I could hop over there yeaterday morning and hop back early today morning, for a fare provided by a private airline that is similar to the one that the Railways, run by the government, would charge me for a journey of equivalent comfort and far longer duration. Nice.

We came third in the quiz, by and by, after topping the elims. Many good teams from around the country were there, so it was a good enough result. (One always says that after the event, doesn't one?) I also sat in on a fascinating workshop by a Marxist professor that had me gasping in disbelief. "I must write about this," I told myself. And I will, soon.
amit varma, 1:00 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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