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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Anorak? Only when it rains

Via Notes and Stones, I discovered this nice dictionary of quizzing. Good stuff.

I had a nice quizzing weekend last week, by and by. On Friday I went for a business quiz in Mumbai, though I hadn't convinced anyone to partner me. So I sat for the elims alone and qualified for the final. Young Gautam Bastian was spotted in the audience, duly inducted, and we combined well to win handsomely. Ace quizzer Dhananjay Shettigar, who also reached the final, has an account here.

The next day I took part in an entertainment quiz in Pune. Much fun was had, but alas, no brace happened, and my team finished second. It was some consolation that one of the people I lost to was a fellow libertarian, and not some leftist loony. A fuller account, by the last winner of Mastermind India, is here.

Enough about myself. No more personal posts for the next 63 days.
amit varma, 3:43 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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