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Sunday, October 09, 2005

Divinity in a stone

Sudheendra Kulkarni writes in the Indian Express about a trip he made to Sangli many years ago:
On a morning walk along a pot-holed road which was being re-laid, I saw a group of labourers who were about to begin their day’s work. It was obvious that they belonged to a migrant clan of stonebreakers, engaged by the construction contractor. It was also obvious that they were poor, very poor. Tented huts on the roadside, open-air kitchen with the barest of utensils, a baby cradled in a cloth-sling — it’s a common sight at construction sites in India.

What struck me was that before the team began the day’s work, a woman performed a small puja on the stone, smeared it with the auspicious yellow and red powder, broke it with a ceremonial strike and then everybody went about their respective tasks. I asked the woman why she did it. In her own earthy Marathi, she replied, "This is not a mere stone for us. There is divinity in it. This stone feeds us. It also makes your cars run smoothly on the road."
It's a thought-provoking anecdote, even if one doesn't agree with the observations Kulkarni goes on to make.
amit varma, 11:57 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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