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Sunday, August 07, 2005

Very little motion

Richard D Webb, an Irish gentleman, once wrote of somebody:
[He spends] the greater part of the day writing in his room. I suppose he thinks he is shaking the world, but I can perceive very little of the motion so far.
Sounds just like a blogger, doesn't he, this fellow whom Webb is speaking of? Well, the gentleman in question, who Webb met in Dublin in 1844, is Henry Clarke Wright, an "antebellum American reformer whose eclectic interests ranged from antislavery to radical pacifism to health reform and beyond." He was born in 1797, two centuries before blogging and yet, in every way, quite a blogger himself. Check out this superb article by W Caleb McDaniel, "Blogging in the Early Republic".

(Link via email from Rohit Gupta.)
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