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Sunday, August 07, 2005

Don't slap me, it's legal

Weekly World News reports:
Adding to its reputation as the most sexually liberal nation in the world, Sweden has just legalized looking up ladies' skirts!

In a nearly unanimous vote in the Swedish Parliament, the motion was carried 332 to 17. To celebrate the new law, the Parliament's second floor was replaced with a see-through glass floor, and women were invited to stand on the floor, wearing their loosest, widest skirts, with or without underwear. Men were invited to bring their cameras, stand on the floor below and look up.
According to the report, both the women standing and the men looking enjoyed the experience. All rather bizarre, I say. I mean, it isn't the act but the context, surely, that matters. If you are looking up the skirt of someone with her (or his!) agreement, then it is surely fine. And if that person doesn't want you to look up her (or his?) skirt, then it surely isn't fine.

What am I doing? That piece of news must surely be a spoof. Woe me.

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