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Tuesday, August 09, 2005

License to rape

The Indian Express reports:
Parmaram Sharan (27) was convicted of rape and kidnapping on Monday and sentenced to 10 years’ rigorous imprisonment. But Sharan—he was also told by the Sessions court to pay Rs 50,000 to the victim as compensation—will not be going to jail.

“The court has given Sharan a probation of three years on personal bond of Rs 10,000 on the ground that he is the sole earning member of his family and he has dependents—two young children and ailing parents,” said public prosecutor Lata Cheda.
I'm shaking my head in disbelief here. The law is supposed to apply equally to everyone, regardless of class, caste, gender or whether you're the sole earning member of your family and have 813 dependents. You couldn't be sending out a worse message.

I wonder if the chaps who abducted and sold this woman, and the fellow who bought and raped her, had any dependents.
amit varma, 10:49 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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