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Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Attacking the media

So what's the difference between Indian and Pakistan if this can happen? Mid Day criticises Vilasrao Deshmukh, the Congress chief minister of Maharashtra, for his government's incompetence. Deshmukh sends his gundas to the Mid Day office. They break in and vandalise the place. Mid Day's report says:
While 10-15 people came to the editorial office on the first floor, the rest which numbered about 50 shouted slogans on the ground floor.

The group that came to the first floor roughed up the watchman, broke open the door and charged in shouting on the top of their voices.

This group broke computer keyboards, yanked out phone wires and one of them had even held up a chair to throw at the publisher’s glass cabin.
And here's the bit I find most remarkable:
Ironically, other press had also arrived at the Mid Day office with the Congress persons, giving the indication that the ruling party had called the media in advance to flaunt their cowardly act.
Not only do these thugs break the law, they have the audacity to flaunt it to the world. What a shame.

Mid Day documents other such incidents against the media here. Also, here are some reactions from Congress leaders.
amit varma, 11:19 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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