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Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The political business of business

Sagarika Ghose writes in the Indian Express:
Did John D. Rockefeller care about the hazards faced by the average American when he was building his Standard Oil company in late 19th century America using all manner of deceit and tricks? No, he did not. Similarly as the first OBC entrepreneur of Bihar (not the first OBC leader, mind you, before him there was Karpoori Thakur and others) Laloo’s energies are elsewhere. He’s building a business, damnit. And so far he’s been enormously successful, his is an astounding rags-to-riches concern. His stakeholders have become rich. In the utter absence of business opportunities in Bihar, Laloo’s created a huge market for his single product: caste. Simply because he’s always thinking of whether or not his private company is growing, the ‘public’ is the last thing on Laloo’s mind. So to hell with the CBI, and the rule of law and parliamentary behavior and the railway passenger. Laloo’s business is business.

And, Ghose continues, "there are several politicians today who are not political leaders but political entrepreneurs." Read the full thing.
amit varma, 9:05 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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