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Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Five-way shout bout

For real entertainment, don't go to the multiplex near you. Instead, go to any gathering of elected representatives. Mid Day describes "a debate in the civic house":
Trouble began when Mayor Datta Dalvi abruptly ordered Congress corporator Khan Bastiwala to sit down mid-speech, saying his seven minutes were up.

Even as Bastiwala protested, Dalvi motioned for another Congress corporator, Gunvanth Sheth, to speak.

This soon erupted into five-way shout bout, with one corporator throwing a crumpled piece of paper in the mayor’s direction, and another scattering his documents all over before walking out in disgust.

"Five-way shout bout" sounds like fun, and the weapons of choice, you will note, hardly cost the state exchequer anything, and can be afforded by the poorer sections of society. Crumpled piece of paper? Bring 'em on.
amit varma, 1:00 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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