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Monday, May 02, 2005

The return of D Company

Dawood Ibrahim is back in town. So says Somit Sen in the Times of India,, where he reveals that Dawood is "hell-bent on settling scores with old rival Chhota Rajan", and has "reportedly been busy wooing potential lethal weapons, including Ejaz Lakdawala, Guru Satam, Hemant Pujari, Ravi Pujari and Fazlur-Rehman." Sen quotes a senior police officer as saying:
Unfortunately, some of the city police officers think that the underworld has been crippled as there have been no major shootouts in Mumbai. They should not be complacent as the mafia is in the process of regrouping.

And what are the dynamics of that process? Sen has the details.
amit varma, 3:50 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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