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Sunday, May 01, 2005

Lake sharks

The term, "land sharks", always confused me. How can there be sharks on land? Well, the land sharks of Udaipur have finally found their natural habitat. The Indian Express reports:
Eight consecutive years of inadequate rains have turned Udaipur’s lakes into endless stretches of barren land. While the dry, flaky beds of the dying lakes have created panic among residents and environmentalists, the district administration and the land mafia have got together to turn the tragedy into a business opportunity.

Illegal colonies are being carved out and arterial roads built on the empty water bodies that once formed the lifeline of the City of Lakes.

In other words, they've appropriated the dry lakes and will be selling off the land to willing buyers. A local Congress leader, Ajay Singh, was quoted as saying:
The mafia first blocked the inlets of the lake to ensure that it remains dry. Then, it grabbed the dry land and sold it off. Later, the administration helped them by recognising these illegal colonies. And now roads are being constructed through them so that prices of this land shoots up.

See? As I had written before, in everything there is a business opportunity. This country is full of entrepreneurial skill that does not find a legal outlet because the government makes it so darn difficult to start a business, so all these skills are manifested in things like selling lakes and the prime minister's house and suchlike. What a waste.
amit varma, 12:54 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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