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Sunday, May 01, 2005

Letter to a dog

Shiney Ahuja, the actor whose most recent release was Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi, writes in Mid Day about how he often writes letters that he doesn't post. An excerpt:
Another letter I wrote was to my neighbour’s dog. This dog, Shelley, was a cute exuberant puppy who would keep barking and wagging her tail. Her owner would keep her locked inside the house and he would travel for days leaving her locked inside. With time, I saw her turn into this dull, suppressed soul.

So I wrote a letter to the dog telling her that at times life puts you in situations, but you can’t give up.

Ahuja's a terrific actor and, clearly, an interesting man. How many actors or models would have the imagination to perceive a "cute exuberant puppy" turn into a "dull, suppressed soul"? But what's he going to do with it? What kind of roles will he get in the years to come? This is going to be an interesting journey to watch.
amit varma, 12:17 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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